Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The launch Ghana Climate Change Coalition (GCCC)

The launch Ghana Climate Change Coalition (GCCC) is part of efforts to strengthen the existing network of CSOs operating in climate change and sustainable development in securing enhanced outcomes in the quest for equity-based development in climate change initiatives on the African continent. It is also expected that the launch will create a platform for CSOs and other critical stakeholders to engage with the climate change discourse as well as share perspectives on climate change advocacy initiatives at the national, regional and international levels. The launch is happening at a crucial time when Ghana is experiencing serious ecological challenges relating to indiscriminate depletion of its vegetative cover, destruction and pollution of water bodies through illegal mining activities (gallamsey), high temperature and erosion of its sea coastal belt among many other environmental problems.

The fight for climate justice and against environmental degradation requires collaborative efforts of all key players including local communities, national governments, the private sector and civil society organizations.  We need build and sustain the future we need. We must explore the value of regional approach with specific country-based action. We need to establish and implement significant synergy and multiple benefits among preserving biodiversity and health of the ecosystem, limiting climate change impacts, and increasing the income of the local populations.  The process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals, to compliment the Millennium Development Goals post 2015, is an opportunity to shape this Continent’s sustainable future. A transition to a Green Economy can assist in fighting one of the number one challenges facing Africa, namely climate change.
We know that unless the world acts on the rising carbon emission and keeping a global temperature rise below 2 degrees this century, climate change can never be addressed. And given the speed of climate change, quick and fast action makes abundant sense in enhancing health and food security benefits. Given the urgency of the situation we need all hands on deck, because we are all aware that the gap between ambition and reality in respect to greenhouse gas emissions and finance, not least for adaptation, remains wide and is widening. Scientists estimate that collectively these short lived climate pollutants could, if rapidly cut, deliver a global temperature reduction of around 0.5 degrees C over the next few decades while saving millions of lives and cutting damage to crops equal to about 30 million tons globally.
let raise public awareness of the problem of climate change and build public support for climate policies through the implementation of an effective climate change communication strategy. Build public support for climate policies that will enable the world to meet the objective of limiting global average temperature rise to 2°C above pre-industrial levels. These communication activities should have sufficient funding and a consistent message, including the case for the 2°C objective, sustained over the long-term. Such activities should also be combined with supportive policy measures which enable the public to take action. In Ghana, coastal erosion, crop failures, high temperatures, are evident. Ghana loses 3 metres of coastline annually to sea erosion, while the Northern Regions are registering near desert daytime temperatures (42 degrees Celsius) of late.Most maize farms in the Volta and Greater Accra Regions that were cropped in the minor season last year failed due to a long drought. These are but some tangible effects that are obvious in this country.

In the midst of all these challenges facing developing and poor countries, the countries that caused the problem continue to pollute and carrying out their activities in a ‘’business as usual’’ manner. Meanwhile, several dimensions of Climate Change continue to emerge.  Climate Change and Human Rights,   Migration [Climate Refugees], Health, Education and many others
Many community groups and ethnic minorities lack a voice in the management of shared resources and have little security of tenure over land, forests, fisheries and natural resources.  This has resulted in conflict in some areas.

Ghana demands that the Annex 1 [polluting] countriessupport the adoption and development of indigenous and locally innovated technology as well as ensuring efficiency in technology transfer and deployment and alsohonour and deliver on their financial commitments.

We calling for the enforcement of the Polluter Pays Principle, transfer of Technology, adequate Finance for Adaptation and Mitigation Interventions and the building of adequate and relevant Capacity to deal with the challenges of Climate Change.

Kenneth Nana Amoateng
Abibiman Foundation-http://www.abibimmanfoundation.org
International Day of African child and Youth(IDAY-GHANA)- http://www.iday.org/
Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP-Ghana)- http://www.whiteband.org/
African Youth Initiative on Climate Change(AYICC-Ghana)-www.ayicc.net
Food Security Policy Advocacy Network (FoodSPAN)- www.foodspan.org
Centre for Youth Development Advocacy (CYDA)
P.O.BOX BT 1 Tema
Flat 1/A 74 Site 3
(OPP T.DC),Commmunit 1
Tel#  233-0303-213918
I'm on assignment to my generation. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Climate Change Safeguard Model Proposal

Dear Mr. Bougara and Mr. Diop, 

We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to you with regards to the ongoing Safeguards Review process, specifically on climate change. We have been following this process and are happy that the World Bank has identified climate change as an emerging issue to be addressed in the new safeguards of the institution.

Unlike many institutions, the World Bank has not yet formally integrated climate issues into its operational policies. Most notably, the current Safeguard Policy framework does not adequately address the challenges a changing climate presents to client governments, donor governments, affected communities, local ecosystems and the global commons. At present, the Bank lags behind other financial institutions that have gone further to integrate climate-related issues into their environmental and social policies.

President Jim Kim has publically stated that the safeguard review will not entail any dilution of existing policies and that strong action on climate change is essential for the World Bank Group implementing the goals of its corporate strategy in ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. Mainstreaming climate change risk assessments into all Bank lending is a clear existing deficiency that needs to be addressed, with the safeguards review presenting an important opportunity, and first step with which to do so. We welcome the proposal from management to address climate change in ESS3 on pollution abatement, but think this is unlikely to go far enough, and that it will be difficult to address the adaptation and climate resilience issues through the proposed ESS3. We are further troubled by management proposal for deferred appraisal and the lack of attention to the need to move safeguards upstream—where climate issues in particular can be most effectively addressed.

Around 100 NGOs from over 60 countries around the world, including our organization, have worked on a climate submission for the safeguards review process purposes. We hereby submit the proposal for the model safeguard policy on climate to you. We respectfully request that you raise your voice for the adoption of strong climate language in the new safeguards. Dr. Kim not long ago said that “the world needs a bold global approach to help avoid the climate catastrophe it faces today. The World Bank Group is ready to work with others to meet this challenge.” We suggest that Directors and Management commit to this goal and get climate change incorporated across all Bank safeguard policies and that a stand-alone climate policy is the best way to clearly focus WBG support for countries in the short term.

We thank you in advance for your support on the matter. We look forward to engaging in the upcoming consultations on the safeguards that the Bank will organize. For any additional information please do not hesitate to get in touch with Nezir Sinani at nsinani@bicusa.org, who on behalf of the signatories is coordinating this work. We look forward to hearing from you.

Very best,

Kenneth Nana Amoateng
Chief Executive Officer
Abibimman Foundation

Broken Hearted

Broken Hearted. Tell me why you have to leave them for some one else ,why wasn't they enough for? Why did you break their heart knowing well that both of you wouldn't work out, why lead them on when you knew if wasn't meant to be, now you let them broken hearted and don't know what to do or say, made them lost hope in finding love and trust again, you thought it would be easy to just drop the ball on them just like that.
Think they would take it easy like gravy but that doesn't work like that, letting go have a different level all together it takes courage ,strength and motivation to make it through the pain you have cost them.
They trusted you with their all heart thinking you were the one for them, thinking you were their happily ever after but the moment you  break them into pieces they found it hard for them to even let someone find them attractive to love them again or let them back in because they are afraid they would be hurt again like you did to them, what you need to do, if you haven't done it yet is to ask for forgiveness try and gain that friendship again even though it would be hard on them to forgive you for what you did knowing that, when they with you they gave you all their all, let say 100% but you gave nothing  or half of it,so yeah it might hurt but try to gain their trust and friendship.
Go find them if you still want another chance with them or if it really mean to be like the saying goes if you love something let it go when it comes back it meant to be and if not oh well you tried but the next time you go into a relationship ask God first if that's the right thing to do or follow your instinct to see if that what you really want before you go further in that relationship because breaking heart is most difficult part of the body that is really hard to restore just like broken mirror.