Monday, November 4, 2013

Seeks to identify the need for climate change issues to be mainstreamed in development agenda

Theme; ‘Strengthening women Voices on climate change, Search for Solutions’

Seeks to identify the need for climate change issues to be mainstreamed in development agenda

Our aim is to up-scale local solutions and bringing the voices of those most affected by climate change – women and traditionally excluded groups – to influence district development agenda and plans of action on climate change at the national as well as influence negotiations at the international level 

Why women because they play a very important role in our society and country. Women possessed important knowledge, skills and experiences for shaping the adaptation process and the search for better and safer communities; in fact, they are the bedrock of socio-economic development. In view of that, we must always strive to promote their livelihoods, given their roles in society. Am optimistic that with continuous capacity-building, training and supporting community mobilization efforts and actions, especially for women, national climate change adaptation and mitigation measures would be localized and made more effective
Climate change is manifested in Ghana through; raising temperatures; declining rainfall totals and variability rising sea levels and weather extremes. 

Climate Change Impact in Ghana abound in agriculture, Water, Natural Resource, Energy, Impact on infrastructures , sanitation and the soil sector
Climate change is caused largely by human activities mostly by the north and which has a devastating effect on people and economic activities in the south than the north.

Climate change vulnerability  .are agriculture based livelihood systems such as Crop failure & low yields, Loss of livestock & fish stock, Increasing water scarcities, sanitation, destruction of productive assets, pastoralist systems, Inland & coastal fishing, aquaculture communities based systems, rural communities especially in coastal, flood plains, dry land among others. 

Adaptation measures to manage climate change risks . should include; Climate smart agricultural Fisheries production, Diversification of livelihoods/ alternatives, Decentralization of local governance of resources, Alternative energy uses, Infrastructural development, Climate information, Early warning systems, Insurance schemes.

Policy suggestions .include improving access to modern energy services at the local level, sustainable liquid bio-energy, sustainable solid bio-energy, sustainable bio-gas energy, Other renewable energies: solar-thermal, photovoltaic, wind and hydro power and Research and dissemination of crop varieties adapted to local areas, Effective use of genetic materials, indigenous knowledge use/ gender considerations, promotion of agro-forestry & integrated farming systems, improved infrastructure such as irrigation and water harvesting techniques, storage, improved soil and water management, adaptation to farming systems and livelihood strategies. 

Adaptation and Mitigation Programmes ;
a.    Increasing resilience to climate change impacts: identifying and enhancing early warning systems
b.    Alternative livelihoods: minimizing the impacts climate change for the poor and vulnerable
c.    Enhance national capacity to adapt to climate change through improvement land use management
d.    Managing water resources as climate change adaptation to enhance productivity and livelihoods
e.    minimizing climate change impacts on socio-economic development through agricultural diversification
f.     minimizing climate change impacts on human health through improved access to healthcare
g.    Demand and supply-side measures for adapting the national energy system to impact of climate change
h.    Adaptation to climate change: sustaining livelihoods through enhanced fisheries resource management
i.      Developing resilience fisheries community  
j.     Natural barriers: Protection of coastal ecosystem,
k.    Reducing vulnerability to Stalinization and coastal erosion, and
l.      Awareness and preparedness for emergencies in Tema
m.  Good sanitation practices
n.    Action that will reduces greenhouse gas emissions
o.    Strengthens climate resilience
p.    To reinforce and reward existing environmentally friendly lifestyles among youth, thereby delaying or reducing the adoption of greenhouse gas emitting practices among all Ghanaians
q.    To raise awareness on social, cultural, economic, environmental and political issues that contributes to climate change.
r.     Enhance energy efficiency through energy saving bulbs, reducing wastage of electricity and other domestic fuels.
s.    Campaign against environmental degradation and Desertification

 Urgent and ambitious action is therefore imperative if we are to prevent dangerous climate change that threatens to cause enormous human suffering, undermine economic progress and poverty reduction, and trigger potentially catastrophic environmental changes.
Government of Ghana has a crucial role to play by show leadership and must not only sign Climate change agreements but enforce them.  

Remember treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents; it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors; we borrow it from our Children.

“Before you make a decision that affects the world’s climate, imagine the eyes of seven generations of women and children in the future looking at you, and asking … Why?” 

 Onbehalf of Abibiman Foundation, The Perfect Example Environmental Foundation and Global Green Environmental Network, AYICC –Ghana, GCAP-Ghana and IDAY-Ghana, We remind political leaders of their promise and their responsibility to women and the future generations

Kenneth Nana Amoateng
Chief Executive Officer
Abibimman Foundation

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