Sunday, September 27, 2015

Government must show political will and commit resources to deliver Ghana INDC


Ghana on the 2015-09-23 at 21:05:00 submitted its INDC to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) as part of Government commitment to fight climate change.  As Ghana prepares to participate in the COP21 in December this year in Paris.

Abibimman Foundation acknowledge the efforts and commitment of Government for engaging local experts through holding consultative meetings to have citizens/stakeholders make inputs when developing the Ghana INDC. This confirms what Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah said that "the Black Man is Capable of managing his Own Affairs".

Abibimman Foundation commend the technical teams, CSOs and other stakeholders for their contributions and efforts in helping developed Ghana INDC. We confidently believe that Ghana as a nation can lead the process of African transformation. As we praise the country and the technical teams that worked on the INDC, it must be noted that words alone are not enough to deliver the change we need, it will take resources and political will to deliver and ensure we achieve the targets that have been set in the conditional and unconditional INDC that Ghana has developed for itself.

Even though we commend Government of Ghana for this laudable initiative for setting the pace in using its own citizen to developed Ghana INDC, Abibimman Foundation urge Government of Ghana to generate internal resources or make enough budgetary allocation to enable us achieve the Ghana INDC since over reliance of donor funding will affect our performance and implementation of own developed INDC.

Ghana might not have a strong negotiation position if we have a weak INDC, it is evident that we have the committing to reduce our emissions based. However, we believe that Ghana’s pledge to COP21 can be further strengthened

It is important for Government of Ghana to note that Coal is the most polluting of all fossil fuels and the largest single source of global warming and therefore must resist any attempt to use coal as cheapest means to generate power for it people which will only destroy the environment and affect livelihood. Clearly, Ghana and the rest of the world need to move rapidly away from burning fossil fuels and towards the use of renewable energy. This will require a great deal of political will—but the cost of further delay will be disastrous.

The president in his 2015 state of the nation address said, ‘We owe it ourselves as heirs of a generation that did this for us and perhaps even more importantly we owe it to our children and our children’s children’s  who deserve to live in a fully developed, prosperous, free and just society’.

Abibimman Foundation believe strongly that the president will lead this campaign and more importantly with other head of state across the world now that we have adopted the SDGs for another 15 years. We Hope that Government of Ghana will collaborate with civil society and all citizens so that together this generation will leave a planet free of coal and global warning for our children’s children’s.

God Bless Our Home Land Ghana.

Kenneth Nana Amoateng (Mr.)
The Chief Executive Officer,
P. O. Box BT1 – Tema
Tel: +233-506766466/ 0244 023651

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